1. Reaction to Project Proposals

  • 91% are supportive of the project
  • 60% registering as 'very supportive'.
  • 1.6% are undecided
  • 5.8% object or consider the project unimportant

2. Residents and Visitors Returns

  • 77% are residents to the area (within 10 miles)
  • 23% are Visitors

Visitors are from Boston, Long Sutton, Barton and Lincoln from within the county and Nottingham, Rutland, Derby, South Yorkshire, Bedfordshire and Suffolk from outside the county.

3. How important is local wildlife and the countryside in deciding where you would choose to live?

  • 82% of respondents considered local wildlife and the countryside to be one of the main 3 considerations in deciding where they choose to live.
  • 35% consider this the primary factor in deciding where they choose to live.

4. The features which responders were seeking when visiting the countryside were:

By volume: Percentile of visitors seeking:-

  1. 90% Quiet countryside
  2. 89% General wildlife
  3. 74% Good footpaths
  4. 71% Rare or unusual wildlife
  5. 70% A wild place
  6. 69% A nature reserve
  7. 66% Local history / archaeology
  8. 58% Good parking
  9. 53% Information boards
  10. 47% Bird hides
  11. 46% Good cycle paths
  12. 45% Visitor centre
  13. 40% Tea room cafe
  14. 30% Place to walk the dog

5. 67% of responders considered that information about local wildlife and historical heritage to be 'Not readily available' or 'Hard to find'.

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